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- Trovac adds 45000 sqft to its plant
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Trovac adds 45 000 sqft to is plans
To meet growing demand, Les Industries Trovac, manufacturer of central vacuum cleaners, needs increased production and storage capacity. A leader who sweeps wide.

Established on Marcel-Ayotte Street in Blainville for only four years, Trovac, manufacturer of central vacuum cleaners marketed under the Cyclo Vac brand, already feels cramped in its current 30,000 sq. Ft.
“Our strong growth on the national and international markets, underlines Normand Larocque, assistant to the V.-P. marketing, requires us to add another 45,000 sq. ft. to our manufacturing and warehousing space. "

"We are the largest in Canada, in terms of sales volume and number of devices manufactured," adds Marc Bruneau, son of the founder and vice-president of marketing.
To say that management is relying on figures released by The Vacuum Dealer Trade Association that Trovac Industries ranks among the 13 largest manufacturers of central vacuum cleaners in North America.
“Our devices stand out for the quality of their manufacture,” continues Mr. Bruneau. "Now all of our models are quiet (they emit no more than 68 decibels). This is no longer an option, but a standard. The suction power is higher and we incorporate a Cyclofilter treated with the Ultra-Fresh antimicrobial process to prevent the proliferation of dust mites or mold which could cause bad odors. "
The central vacuum market
Trovac chooses to be sold in specialty stores only and not to be present in large chains. “We believe,” explains the V.-P. marketing, that the quality of after-sales service from a professional dealer is important. "

Canada is the largest consumer of central vacuums per capita. Next come the Scandinavian countries, Australia and the United States.
“The market,” explains Normand Larocque, “has grown with the fall in prices. If it cost two or even three thousand dollars thirty years ago to install a central vacuum cleaner in a house, today the cost is about the same as that of a vacuum cleaner and sometimes lower than some brands of vacuum cleaner. portable vacuum cleaners. The central vacuum cleaner becomes an added value to the residence. Contractors have understood this, and 95-98% of new builds install the necessary piping. "
Among the challenges facing the management of Industries Trovac, Mr. Bruneau and his assistant talk about the obligation to continually find new ideas in order to stand out. "I think, adds Marc Bruneau, that our biggest challenge is to innovate, to move forward, to make changes". Normand Larocque continues: "The vacuum cleaner is not a prestigious product like a car, for example, because it is connected to the household, which is a mandatory task to be accomplished. So we are trying to make this chore easier ”. Funny fact, reports Mr. Larocque, while the vacuum cleaner with cart is usually passed by the lady, when the couple acquires a central vacuum cleaner, the sweeping often becomes the task of the gentleman. Why? An inexplicable quirk like the one that surrounds the purchase of a central vacuum. "You will rarely see this decision made by the man or by the woman only. The purchase of a central vacuum is done as a couple, "noted Marc Bruneau.
—La Réussite (Montréal), vol. 4, no1, p.37.

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