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Cyclo Vac, out of the comfort zone

Drawbacks to producing in Quebec? The executives of central vacuum manufacturer Cyclo Vac do not see it! On the contrary. Their secret: to get each employee to step out of their comfort zone. A philosophy that is easier to state than to apply, they say, but which makes all the difference.
"Here, the team is constantly reinventing itself," explains Marc Bruneau, president of this company established in Blainville for 45 years. It is this surpassing oneself that allows Cyclo Vac to sell $ 20 million of vacuum cleaners made entirely in Quebec each year. Of the lot, 30% go to Europe and 15% to the United States.
Getting out of your comfort zone, for purchasing managers, requires constantly reviewing the cost of components and renegotiating again and again with suppliers. "This is work, of course! But this allows us to remain competitive, ”says Richard Bertrand, Director of Operations. Obviously, the company could save money by sourcing from Asia. "But these savings would turn into replacement expenses or logistics problems", according to Marc Bruneau.
The company therefore purchases 87% of the components it needs from North American suppliers. Instead, she saves money by buying larger quantities and staying on top of new things. Which is everyone's business, says Bruneau: "The entire management team keeps purchasing in mind and suggests changes as needed."
For salespeople, stepping out of your comfort zone is knocking on doors. To many doors. “To be competitive, you have to sell. This is the basis, ”exclaims Éric Vachon, Director of Marketing. An obvious fact that many local businesses forget, deplores Marc Bruneau: "How many have completely cut off their sales force? They have nothing left and just hope the phone rings! " At Cyclo Vac, salespeople travel and meet retailers. "We make them partners by helping them sell and by involving them in the development of our products," explains Éric Vachon.
The strategy is paying off, as it allows the company to go against the grain by increasing the quality of its products. As a result, it sells its products more expensive than the average products on the market. “Often, when sales slow down, people decide to manufacture in China to lower their prices and sell larger quantities. Perhaps the solution is rather to seek to innovate, to be the best. The customer will pay for that, ”pleads Mr. Bruneau.
Not a group, a team
In offices and in the factory, Cyclo Vac has a turnover rate of less than 3%. Of the hundred or so employees, some have been around for so long that they've gone from summer work in the warehouse to being a manager. The company even has almost complete families on staff. In a deluge of names, leaders name at least three.
The key is to inspire pride and passion, explains Marc Bruneau. “Here, we are a team. We all have the same goal: to produce quality products ”.
Much of the dedication to the company is due to the opportunities for advancement offered, the executives agree. “It really encourages us to perform every day, every week. It's not just our processes and our quality control that make us stand out, it's first and foremost our human side, ”summarizes Mr. Bruneau.
-Les Affaires, no. 25, 25 juin 2011

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