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Cyclo Vac go forward

Cyclo Vac, the largest manufacturer of central vacuum cleaners in Canada, has been in business since 1962. In addition to the head office, which has 75,000 ft2 and hires 68 employees, the company opened an office in France in 1989, which employs 9 people. Cyclo Vac expands its territory!
In North America, the company maintains relationships with three exclusive distribution offices in Vancouver, Washington and California. Australia, Israel and a significant portion of Western Europe represent other areas where Cyclo Vac is well established. The president of the company is full of praise for its products. “Our vacuum cleaners are much more powerful than average. In addition, they are silent ”. To give an example of the silent nature of devices, Marc Bruneau draws an eloquent comparison. "The human voice goes up to 68 decibels, while our vacuum cleaners do not exceed 56". The company has just developed an additional filter to protect the device from dust. She took care to patent her invention. Cyclo Vac systems are all treated against mold, bacteria and dust mites, which cannot pass the filter test. Vacuum cleaners are guaranteed for 10 years and last, according to Marc Bruneau, much longer. Everything is manufactured in Cyclo Vac's own factories. "We put in the sheet of steel and we train the vacuums, weld them, paint them, assemble them. Everything about fashion, marketing and engineering is done in-house. " Even the brochures and leaflets that accompany the devices are designed at Cyclo Vac, by a team of graphic designers on site.

Specialized dealers take care of installing the vacuum cleaners. If they have any questions, they turn to Cyclo Vac, which offers them immediate assistance. “I am very happy with the success of the group. The business belonged to my father and continues to prosper, "says Marc Bruneau. “We have designed a product which, quite often, is made by foreign companies. Our perseverance has paid off, ”he adds. For the president, it is undoubtedly the quality of the product that makes him famous. "It's not always high quality, which happens to us on the other side ..." he said mockingly. For him, Cyclo Vac's success can be explained, among other things, by offering a superior product at the same price as the others. Part of the success also comes from the values he instilled in his company. “Respect, honesty and integrity are my three key words. If we follow that, we will always progress. Maybe less quickly than others, but we will arrive at the end of the line in full force ". Convincing. After all, the company deserved to be the winner of a 2006 Mercador award for the Lanaudière region!
—La Réussite (Montréal), vol. 8, no4, p.31, 11 avril.

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